广州今视 本土广告十强企业,中国最优秀的综合型传播集团之一,于1999年成立至今,立足广东电视台,23年我们只专注一件事,以助力更多品牌提高影响力及知名度,23年广州今视以丰富的经验已发展成为综合的广告整合传播机构,旗下三大业务模块(今视媒体、今视广告、今视活动 )为超过10000家企业 (26家上市公司)常年提供整合传播服务,帮助并陪伴它们成为行业领导品牌。
How to select the product/recruitment team?
Team system design
The product sells very helpless pain.
The Internet is just a distribution channel.
How did the team break up?
How to enhance team cohesion and rapid fission?
There is a hesitation between transformation and non-transformation.
Traditional marketing is too old.
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